#MSSen: Hyde-Smith announces #MAGAWagon state tour
BIG NEWS: Starting Saturday, I’ll be hitting the road in the #MAGAWagon for a tour of our state that will last until Election Day. I look forward to meeting conservatives from all corners of Mississippi, so stay tuned for more info! ??? pic.twitter.com/PlWOIiGHba
— Cindy Hyde-Smith (@cindyhydesmith) October 17, 2018
WXXV – Interview with U.S. Senate candidate Tobey B. Bartee
#MSSen: McDaniel makes his pitch to voters
A two minute video on where I stand. Please help me — watch and SHARE. #MAGA pic.twitter.com/YwmQOtJzjp
— Sen. Chris McDaniel (@senatormcdaniel) October 17, 2018
#MSSen: Espy promotes Cook report showing race as ‘Lean R’
. @CookPolitical has shifted our race again…this time to “Lean R.” Proof of more positive momentum! What we’re doing is working. Help us win: https://t.co/RVeERsEuhy … #MSSen
— Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) October 17, 2018
#MS01: Wadkins releases web ad
As your Congressman, I have a vision for the future of Mississippi! #MS01 #TeamWadkins #MSDems #BlueWave pic.twitter.com/RdffUwynlm
— Wadkins for Congress (@Wadkins2018) October 17, 2018
CLARION LEDGER – Mississippi’s hybrid, electric car tax a ‘mistake,’ says Republican lawmaker
Sen. Billy Hudson, R-Hattiesburg, who voted for House Bill 1, is now calling the tax “a mistake.”
HB 1, also known as the Mississippi Infrastructure Modernization Act, passed the Senate 48-3 during the special session in August.
Mississippians who drive a hybrid vehicle will pay a $75 tax when they register their car or renew their car tag while electric car owners will pay $150. All monies will go to the Mississippi Department of Transportation.
Approximately 15,000 Mississippians are impacted, with 1,000 of those driving electric vehicles.
“I hardly looked at it, it was a big, big bill. I’m not making excuses, I messed up. I should have seen this,” said Hudson, who earlier this month said he wouldn’t be seeking reelection following the next legislation session.
MS Ag Commissioner Gipson: I’ll stick with wearing Wranglers
Sad to hear Levi’s has come out against our Second Amendment gun rights. As an A+ rated NRA member, and NRA Defender of Freedom award recipient I’ll stick with wearing Wranglers.
— Andy Gipson (@AndyGipsonForMS) October 18, 2018
NEWSMS – Governor Bryant get ‘B’ on fiscal policy report
A recent report card has given Governor Bryant a ‘B’ for his fiscal policies in Mississippi.
The report, conducted by the Cato Institute, measured fiscal policies of every Governor across the country dating back to 2016 and gave each one a letter grade. Governor Bryant was among 11 governors to get a ‘B’ while just 5 were awarded an ‘A’ and the remainder received a ‘C’, ‘D’, or an ‘F’.
The report highlighted the 10-year phase-out of the corporate franchise tax as Bryant’s most significant fiscal decision, which occurred in 2016 as part of the largest tax cuts in Mississippi history.
“Bryant signed into law major tax cuts for businesses and individuals in 2016. His most important reform was phasing out, over 10 years, the corporate franchise tax, which is imposed on businesses in addition to the state’s corporate income tax. The tax currently raises about $260 million a year. Bryant gets credit for approving the measure, but business tax reform was mainly driven by the legislature.” – Cato Report
Bryant meets with EPA Region 4 Administrator
It was great visiting with @EPA Region 4 Administrator Trey Glenn this afternoon at the MS Governor’s Mansion. He serves over 63 million people who live and work in the largest EPA region in the southeastern states. pic.twitter.com/phZ8htskyq
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) October 17, 2018
CLARION LEDGER – Sid Salter: Voters may face a different kind of marijuana legalization effort in 2020
Who would decide who can get medical marijuana? “Physicians will have the option to certify the use of medical marijuana as part of a treatment after examining the patient. With a licensed physician’s certification, a patient would obtain an identification card from the Mississippi Department of Health and medical marijuana from a regulated treatment center, which will be the only place medical marijuana would be available.”
After enduring cancer and an aggressive chemotherapy regimen last year that brought with it months of constant nausea and other maladies, my mind is open to hearing the group out. I’m not quite ready to support this effort, but neither am I ready to shout it down.
Review the medical marijuana group’s arguments at MedicalMarijuana2020.com and judge for yourself whether they make their case. Mississippians aren’t likely to approve any ballot measure that makes marijuana legal for recreational purposes — and this isn’t such a law.
But will Mississippians clear roadblocks to providing relief for those suffering with chronic diseases, especially children? Maybe so.