It’s down to the last month of campaigning for federal candidates in Mississippi.
With the election around the corner on November 6, the third quarter finance reports are probably the most meaningful barometer so far in the campaign to measure how campaigns are connecting with supporters and how they are deploying their funds.
The state has several seats up for election including a regularly scheduled senate race featuring incumbent Roger Wicker and David Baria, a four way special Senate election to replace former Sen. Thad Cochran’s seat, and competitive races in the First, Third and Fourth Congressional Districts.
Reported Cash On Hand at the end of the Third Quarter:
Hyde-Smith (MSSEN): $995,737.56
Espy (MSSEN): $451,697.33
McDaniel (MSSEN): $172,707.53
Wicker (MSSEN): $3,202,381.38
Baria (MSSEN): $145,274.12
Kelly (MS01): $201,608.44
Watkins (MS01): $56,322.67
Thompson (MS02): $1,413,543.65
Guest (MS03): $88,186.94
Evans (MS03): $2,386.53
Palazzo (MS04): $361,808.95
Anderson (MS04): $12,835.05
MS Senate Special Election
It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the Senate seat holder and President Trump endorsed candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith is leading the way for the special elections cash on hand. She brought in $1.08 million just this quarter, and total contributions equal $2,513,825.26, over a million more than her opponents.
Espy showed impressive numbers after the third quarter reports were in. He edged Hyde-Smith for the quarter and outraised one of his opponents, Chris McDaniel, by nearly 5:1. Espy’s total contributions for the quarter landed at $1,167,399.55, a campaign contribution total of $1,473,451.63. McDaniel only net $183,568.20 this quarter with total cycle contributions coming to $354,777.44.
There are a couple of active PACs in this race. The Mississippi Victory Fund supporting Hyde-Smith, showed $55,400.00 in funds from this quarter, but has shelled out quite a bit of cash combating McDaniel with a starting number of $309,468.43, and at the close of this reporting period they reported $120,914.56 COH. The Pro-McDaniel PAC “Remember Mississippi” struggled mightily with only $17K raised and only $23K COH remaining.
*Candidate Tobey Bartee was not required to report as his fundraising did not meet minimum FEC requirements.
McDaniel Q3 2018 by yallpolitics on Scribd
Espy Q3 2018 by yallpolitics on Scribd
Hyde-Smith Report by yallpolitics on Scribd
MS Victory Fund Q3.pdf by on Scribd
Remember MS Q3 FEC Report by yallpolitics on Scribd
Regular Senate Election
Senator Roger Wicker is up against several opponents, one of which being Democratic nominee Rep. David Baria. Baria raised over $317,000 in the third quarter, totaling $850,000 throughout the campaign.
Wicker pulling in a total of $500,881.55 this quarter and is looking at $6,360,056.12 for total contributions this campaign cycle. Wicker maintains a prohibitive cash on hand advantage with $3.2 million going in the final month. As far as other opponents, Danny Bedwell and Shawn O’Hara, no finance reports were filed.
Wicker Q3.pdf by on Scribd
Baria Q3 FEC by yallpolitics on Scribd
First Congressional District
Democrat Randy Wadkins is taking on longtime incumbent of the First District, Trent Kelly.
Kelly brought in $194,286.85 this quarter, with a total of $843,421.90 in contributions for the campaign. Friends of Randy Wadkins showed a report of $26,063.94 raised this quarter with a total of $149,003.98.
Some of Wadkins support comes from ActBlue Technical Services out of Massachusetts, which also contributed to Democrat Mike Espy’s campaign
wadkins Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd
Kelly Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd
Second Congressional District
Incumbent Democrat Bennie Thompson seems unmatched in the Second District, with two running opponents, Troy Ray and Irving Harris who have no financial reports available.
Thompson raised a total of $112,177.71 this quarter, putting his campaign contribution total at $815,185.87 before the November election.
thompson q3.pdf by on Scribd
Third Congressional District
In the Third Congressional District, Republican Michael Guest is pulling ahead financially just as he did in the primary. This quarter he raised $201,130.00 with cash on hand at over $88,000. His opponent Michael Ted Evans showed quarterly contributions at $6,879.64 and $2,386.53. This puts his total for the campaign at only $22,857.95 versus $784,057.13 for Guest.
Guest Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd
Evans Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd
Fourth Congressional District
Congressman Steven Palazzo is being challenged by Democratic State Representative Jeramey Anderson.
Anderson has fought hard against the Republican incumbent raising $53,695.89 this quarter. However, Palazzo’s $362K cash on hand number puts a great bit of distance between the two candidates financially down the stretch.
Anderson Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd
Palazzo Q3 2018.pdf by on Scribd