MAE has announced endorsements for Secretary Mike Espy for Senate, Representative David Baria for Senate, and Representative Jeramey Anderson for Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District.
The rigorous, non-partisan endorsement is a multi-step process. Congressional candidates from both parties were first asked to submit responses to a policy questionnaire and then asked to participate in an interview with members of our PAC.
Our current Senators, though invited, declined to engage in the endorsement process.
We are grateful to the candidates who chose to join us and discuss the future of education in Mississippi, as well as the challenges that face our state and nation. This slate of candidates truly earned their endorsement. We are proud to stand with them, and we know they will each bring bold, innovative ideas to Washington.
“This is an incredibly important election,” said MAE President Joyce Helmick. “When we cast our ballots next week, we plan to show Mississippi’s current leadership that it’s time they move aside for candidates who will prioritize public education and public educators.”
“We believe Secretary Espy, Representative Baria, and Representative Anderson will not only stand strong alongside educators but will stand with and fight for all Mississippians,” she continued.
Press Release
Mississippi Association of Educators