Democratic state Representative David Baria, a candidate for US Senate vying for Republican Roger Wicker’s seat, has called the expiration of the farm bill in Congress a “lack of leadership” on Wicker’s part.
The Farm Bill of 2014 was written to provide assistance to farmers in areas of conservation, water and soil health, wildlife habitat and air quality. It expired earlier this week.
According to Baria, this adds additional struggle to Mississippi farmers who are already struggling due to tariffs and international competition.
“Yet again, folks in Washington are letting politics get in the way of helping the American people — especially rural Mississippians who have been neglected for years by Washington politicians,” said Representative David Baria.
“The people of Mississippi deserve representatives who will listen to our needs and protect our livelihoods — not continue the irresponsible policies we have seen for far too long. It is unacceptable that Congress cannot pass a bill to give farmers the certainty they need to continue to feed our country and power our rural economies. Average Mississippians and Americans across our great country deserve better.”