Attorney General Jim Hood hosted Coffee with a Cop at Sneaky Beans in Jackson, Mississippi today. He said the event gives communities an opportunity to get to know local law enforcement officers so that they and residents can work together.
“It gives us an opportunity to not only let the community know we are here… but we make cases in local law enforcement because people come and tell you things,” said Hood. “Two, it gives us an opportunity to thank these officers.”
Hood encouraged anyone who see’s an officer today to buy them a cup of coffee to thank them for what they do in their communities everyday.
The event has been on the books for a while now, but precedes a big day for Hood in Houston tomorrow when he is scheduled to announce his official run for Governor in 2019.
“We’ll be at the courthouse in Houston Mississippi at 9:00 in the morning, but we will talk more about that tomorrow,” said Hood. He answered few questions about the announcement but focused mainly on the Coffee with a Cop event at hand.
He did say he is drawn to the position of governor out of a desire to help people. Hood says this is his way of public service, after years in the AG office and as a DA before that.
The announcement to run comes after months of talk that he would opt into the race. Still no official work from Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves who is rumored to run on the Republican ticket.