In preparation for the state’s 2019 legislative session, the Speaker’s Commission on Public Policy, a 501(c)(4) directed by Mississippi Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, will kick off its Speaker’s Summit Series with “Mississippi: A Road Block to Human Trafficking” on October 3 at the Jackson Convention Complex.
This event will lend an in-depth and multi-dimensional look at human trafficking from the I-10 corridor to Mississippi’s backroads. Participants in this half-day summit will hear from experts addressing human trafficking from policy, personal, and practical perspectives and participate in roundtable discussions ultimately making recommendations on legislation to be introduced in the 2019 legislative session.
This event is free to the public and will feature insight from national and local leaders on this topic. “This summit series will create an opportunity for productive brainstorming and education on the issue of human trafficking, which is happening in our own backyard,” said Speaker Philip Gunn. “It’s my hope that this forum will result in positive solutions.”
For more information and to register for the event, visit speakerscommission.com.
Speaker of the House Philip Gunn Press Release