Miss. Senator Says, “The process has devolved into a purely-political effort by those who want to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Court by destroying his reputation and his character.”
U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today delivered a strong defense of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and advocated for his confirmation to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Hyde-Smith’s floor speech came prior to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday to continue a review of Kavanaugh’s nomination to be an associate justice on the Supreme Court.
“It seems, opponents of Judge Kavanaugh are engaged in character assassination to destroy the reputation of a devoted public servant and a loving husband and father. I, for one, will not stand by and watch this happen,” Hyde-Smith said.
“The confirmation process is not easy. It should be comprehensive, detailed, and allow nominees to prove their worthiness. It should not be malicious. It should not be intentionally destructive. It should not be a weapon to use against a qualified nominee whose life has been given in service to our country’s laws, the judiciary, and the American people,” she said.
“Judge Kavanaugh is such a nominee. I’ve met with him and reviewed his impeccable record of service and integrity. He is a disciple of the rule of law and judicial restraint. He is a champion of the Constitution. He believes, as I do, that all Americans are equal before the law and the Courts.”
The following is the text of Hyde-Smith’s remarks to the Senate:
Mr. President, this is my first time to address this body. Senate tradition is for new Senators to observe, listen and learn before delivering a maiden speech. But there is precedent, during matters of great importance and critical times for the future of our country, to make remarks prior to a maiden speech. I will reserve my maiden speech for a time in the future, but today I am compelled by duty to our country and the people of Mississippi to speak in strong and unyielding support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
The Constitution entrusts the Senate with the duty to provide to the President the “advice and consent” for a lifetime appointment on the United States Supreme Court. It is a serious responsibility. But, the process has devolved into a purely-political effort by those who want to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Court by destroying his reputation and his character.
I have had conversations with several colleagues who tell me they have never seen such chaos and hatred as we are witnessing in this confirmation process.
The fact that accusations against Brett Kavanaugh were suspiciously withheld until the 11th hour really is not surprising. We expected something, but we didn’t know what it would be, and never expected the opposition to stoop to this level.
Let me articulate what is going on here.
Judge Kavanaugh, who has gone through multiple background checks over the years, was unscathed by additional vetting, 31 hours of questioning under oath, more than 1,200 written questions—all exceeding anything ever experienced by any Supreme Court nominee.
When it became clear that Judge Kavanaugh had a clear path to confirmation, the opposition chose to introduce accusations of alleged misconduct that have yet to be backed by verified facts or any evidence.
It seems, in their desperation, knowing he was about to be confirmed with no obstacle stopping him, they panicked. In the past two weeks when was the last time you heard talk of federalism or philosophy of jurisprudence? They lost the fight on the issues. They had to try something else. Thus, the 11th hour accusations.
Now, I want to be clear, my heart breaks for victims of assault and abuse. It’s an issue that must never be taken lightly. That is why unproven accusations are so very unjust.
Faced with these disturbing accusations, Judge Kavanaugh quickly and convincingly refuted them without mincing any words. Throughout this exhaustive process, he has been very straightforward in shooting down these allegations—all under the penalty of law.
I believe Judge Kavanaugh when he says these humiliating events never happened—not three decades ago; not ever.
It seems, opponents of Judge Kavanaugh are engaged in character assassination to destroy the reputation of a devoted public servant and a loving husband and father. I, for one, will not stand by and watch this happen
It is an honor to serve in this body, and our debates should strengthen the integrity of this institution, which the American people have a right to expect.
The confirmation process is not easy. It should be comprehensive, detailed, and allow nominees to prove their worthiness. It should not be malicious. It should not be intentionally destructive. It should not be a weapon to use against a qualified nominee whose life has been given in service to our country’s laws, the judiciary, and the American people.
Judge Kavanaugh is such a nominee. I’ve met with him and reviewed his impeccable record of service and integrity. He is a disciple of the rule of law and judicial restraint. He is a champion of the Constitution. He believes, as I do, that all Americans are equal before the law and the Courts.
On behalf of all future nominees, I want to applaud Judge Kavanaugh for standing firm and not allowing these tactics to derail this process.
It is time to bring Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to a vote on the floor of the United States Senate. He has earned my support. I encourage my colleagues to support him as well.
Thank you, Mr. President.