WJTV – State Auditor Shad White takes oath of office
My message to staff this morning was simple: as iron sharpens iron, so too does one man sharpen another, and that’s our goal–to sharpen one another so that we protect taxpayer money, with all the energy and talent that God has given each of us.https://t.co/udi2cXpwC7
— Shad White (@shadwhite) July 18, 2018
#MSSen: Baria says Wicker lacks the courage to speak out against Trump on “historic blunder”
I will not be complicit in allowing a foreign adversary to undermine America.https://t.co/K6ROgwk2Fn
— David Baria (@dbaria) July 18, 2018
#MS04: Anderson hits Palazzo over Trump support following Putin comments
Representative Anderson’s statement re: Trump/Putin Joint Press Conference. pic.twitter.com/VSOuetdVir
— Jeramey Anderson for Congress (@JerameyForMS) July 17, 2018
?To-May-To / ?To-Mah-To, right Mr. President? Your explanation is an insult to the American people. You said exactly what you meant and it’s sickening. You failed to stand up for the American people against Russian Aggression. I would say that I am shocked—but I’m not, at all. https://t.co/0S8sLfF2TE
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) July 17, 2018
DAILY JOURNAL – Lawmakers warn tariffs threaten local newspapers
Lawmakers testified against making the tariffs permanent during a United States International Trade Commission hearing. The commission is reviewing whether U.S. producers of certain groundwood paper products, including newsprint, have been materially injured because of the imports from Canada. The commission’s findings help determine whether the Department of Commerce makes the tariffs permanent.
The lawmakers who testified included Republicans and Democrats from a broad cross-section of the country. No lawmaker testified in favor of the tariffs.
Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., said the tariffs have led to surprise newsprint shortages and price hikes across the Southeast.
“It defies logic that NORPAC, just one mill located in the opposition end of the United States, can create this type of disruption and uncertainty,” Wicker, who cosponsored the bill, said.
NORPAC stands for the North Pacific Paper Company. It employs about 300 people. Company officials told the commission that prices had dropped so low for its paper that it could not justify keeping all three of its machines running. But since the imposition of the tariffs in January 2018, prices have recovered to the extent that it was able to hire back 60 employees and restore pay and benefit cuts made in 2017.
“My greatest concern is how these tariffs will harm a major newsprint producer in my state, as well as the many small and rural newspapers who operate with small budgets and tight margins,” Wicker said during his testimony. “These tariffs will not hurt newspapers alone. Commercial printers, book publishers, and the many retail stores that advertise using newsprint will also suffer. Together, these sectors represent some 600,000 jobs and are located in every state across the country. It is for these reasons that I urge you to reject these tariffs.”
Wicker, Hyde-Smith announce $6 million for safety, capacity improvements at 15 Mississippi airports
Today, @SenHydeSmith & I announced 15 Mississippi airports will receive over $6.32M to make important safety & capacity improvements. Reliable air service will help bring more tourism and investment to all parts of our state. https://t.co/b4fyMZ7bZE
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) July 17, 2018
WTVA – Columbus council seeks internet sales tax money from the state
The Columbus City Council unanimously voted Tuesday to ask the state to approve an internet sales tax and return some of the money collected to the city.
WTOK – Mississippi officials move to take over Noxubee schools
The Commission on School Accreditation will meet Wednesday to discuss whether an emergency exists in the Noxubee County School District.
A takeover recommendation would go forward for a likely Thursday vote by the state Board of Education.
Ultimately, Gov. Phil Bryant would have to sign an emergency declaration firing the superintendent and dissolving the school board. The state would then appoint an interim superintendent.
A state Department of Education report shows the 1,600-student district violates 26 of 32 state accrediting standards. The district has an F academic rating
Sen. Wicker chairs hearing on Russian occupation of Georgia
The invasion of The Republic of Georgia demonstrated that Vladimir Putin is willing to use his military & intelligence services to redraw international borders. Today, I chaired a @HelsinkiComm hearing marking 10 years of Russian occupation of Georgia. https://t.co/eCAxv8feUo
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) July 17, 2018
CLARION LEDGER – Charlie Mitchell: Hardball Haley Barbour ready to deal on immigration
Since leaving Mississippi again, he’s devoted a chunk of his time and expertise to bridge-building. More specifically, he’s been co-chair of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Immigration Task Force.
Now a lot of people may not know anything bipartisan exists in toxic D.C., but yes, there are solution-focused groups. They’re not on TV much, mainly because they don’t scream and call each other names — but they do exist…
…Writing for Time magazine earlier this month, Barbour again donned his bipartisan hat, He first stated (as both parties have when in power) that the nation’s borders must be secured to the extent possible. He continued, “People who have entered the U.S. illegally but have been good citizens, have not committed (other) crimes, have paid their taxes, have supported themselves — they ought to be treated just like anybody else who commits a nonviolent crime.”
That sounds logical.
“They should be put on probation and have to pay a fine,” he continued. “At the end of that probationary period, if they’ve been good citizens, then they ought to be allowed to get in line to try and get citizenship if they want it.”
There. That certainly cuts through all the hate- and fear-mongering coming from the right and all the “babies in cages” stories touted from the left.