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Donald Trump “told me he...

Donald Trump “told me he wasn’t a constitutional conservative like me” – Chris McDaniel

By: Editor - July 15, 2018

by Alan Lange

In a July 12 press conference where he discussed his ‘Contract with Mississippi‘, US Senate candidate Chris McDaniel answered a question from an AP reporter about a 2016 comment that he made about Donald Trump with a rather curious response.

Specifically in 2016, while leading the efforts of Ted Cruz in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel  asserted then that Trump was not a “constitutional conservative”, which is a statement that his opponent, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, has been hanging around his neck as recently as this past week in an ad released on the eve of the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh by President Trump.

In justifying his 2016 remarks during the press conference, McDaniel recounted two conversations he said he had with Donald Trump in 2014 in which he asserts that Donald Trump told him that “he was not a constitutional conservative like me” (presumably in comparison to McDaniel).


Here are the original comments that McDaniel was referring to.


As the battle wages between Hyde-Smith and McDaniel for favor in the political apparatus of the White House, it’s not hard to believe that this most recent comment from McDaniel will be factored in the calculus.

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