WTOK – Mississippians react to Kavanaugh nomination
WDAM – Rally opposing Supreme Court nominee held in Hattiesburg
WDAM-TV 7-News, Weather, Sports-Hattiesburg, MS
Sen. Hyde-Smith: You can count on me to fight for a conservative majority on the Supreme Court
.@realDonaldTrump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh proves he remains committed to picking Justices who are themselves committed to protecting the U.S. Constitution. It’s an exciting time to be a conservative, but the fight isn’t over yet! pic.twitter.com/6p1VEm0qYz
— Cindy Hyde-Smith (@cindyhydesmith) July 10, 2018
WAPT – Rankin, Simpson counties special election results
It’s for House District 77 and there will be a runoff.
According to Magee News, unofficial results show Hayes Patrick with a lead over Price Wallace but neither won 50 percent plus one of the vote.
A runoff race is scheduled for July 31.
Congressman Palazzo backs Wilkie to lead VA
Pleased to see Robert Wilkie was approved by Senate panel. One step closer to confirming a new leader for the VA! https://t.co/JD2egY80hP #FoxNews
— Cong. Steven Palazzo (@CongPalazzo) July 10, 2018
Congressman Thompson featured on Homeland Security Podcast
Check out Ranking Member @BennieGThompson on the new @HomelandPOD podcast with @jamesnorton99 & @dena_graziano. They discuss #ElectionSecurity and #HurricaneSeasonhttps://t.co/4xUJuOehhV
— Homeland Democrats (@HomelandDems) July 10, 2018
WJTV – Flowood Mayor Gary Rhodes says controversy over road is ‘political’
In an interview with WJTV, Mayor Rhoads says the project has been in the works for some time and any controversy is strictly political in nature.
“The City was dealing with these two subdivisions as far back as 2012 before Lakeland even talked about widening the road. It’s sad we’re a year out from an election and people want to make this political. I’ve never talked to Tate Reeves about the Frontage Road. But we (the City and MDOT) talked a million times about widening Lakeland. We’re 50th because people have a tendency to shoot each other in the back. My deal isn’t about who lives where, it’s about safety. There’s no reason to stop this project. This is really not right, he (Lt. Governor Reeves) has NEVER talked to me about this project.”
Mayor Gary Rhoads
City of Flowood
Reeves Spokeswoman Laura Hipp says the situation is overblown.
“He has not spoken to anyone at the agency regarding the Frontage Road and believes that was negotiated between the City of Flowood and MDOT. He does support the Frontage Road as a safe alternative since a red light was not viewed by MDOT as a good option. He appreciates city leaders for many years of work on this entire project.”
According to a spokesperson with MDOT, Transportation Commissioner Dick Hall has temporarily stopped work on the project until the issue can be sorted out. Hall is expected to talk with the media Wednesday morning.
#MS04: Democrat Anderson’s press secretary tweets that maybe America should be invaded to overthrow US government; Anderson issues statement
maybe a country will invade us to implement regime change
— Melissa ?Garriga (@MelissaAGarriga) July 6, 2018
Statement regarding out of context tweet by staffer. Please see below. pic.twitter.com/qPFcGs5DDQ
— Jeramey Anderson for Congress (@JerameyForMS) July 10, 2018
#MSSen: McDaniel campaigns at Pentecostal Camp Meeting
Had a great time at the annual Camp Meeting for the Mississippi District of the United Pentecostal Church tonight.
It was a spirit-filled room full of wonderful, Christian people. pic.twitter.com/dlpqbtqR9o
— Sen. Chris McDaniel (@senatormcdaniel) July 11, 2018
#MSSen: Espy stumps in D.C.
People around the country are seeing our movement here in Mississippi. While in Washington D.C., my former colleagues hosted me. Thank you for all your support to our campaign. #espyforsenate #riseabove pic.twitter.com/XINiT6xY3t
— Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) July 10, 2018