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YP Daily Roundup 6/20/18

YP Daily Roundup 6/20/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 20, 2018

#MSSen Democrat runoff: Thompson backs Baria


Democrat Espy tweets on immigration, border security


ACLU of Mississippi calls on Gov. Bryant to withdraw Guardsmen from border operations


Congressman Harper statement on meeting with POTUS on immigration reform


HATTIESBURG AMERICAN – How Gov. Phil Bryant wants to address school safety

Gov. Phil Bryant has signed an executive order charging a group of law enforcement, educators and mental health professionals with developing school safety recommendations.

“Protecting our schoolchildren as part of our overall mission to ensure public safety will remain my highest priority,” Bryant wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.


Sen. Wicker supports expanded Association Health Plans for small businesses


Wicker requests cancellation of August recess


CLARION LEDGER – Medicaid bucking Legislature’s intent to remove caps on doctor visits, prescriptions

Some lawmakers told the Clarion Ledger they thought the bill required Medicaid to “delete the annual limit on physician visits” and “delete the monthly prescription limit for Medicaid beneficiaries.”

While those two directives do appear in the bill’s title, the body of the bill says the division will reimburse “physician visits as determined by the division” and that “prescription drugs and other covered drugs and services as may be determined by the division.”…

…Senate Medicaid Committee Chairman Brice Wiggins, R-Pascagoula, who drafted the initial bill, said Medicaid, like any agency, is responsible for implementing the laws his colleagues pass.

“And I do understand there has to be due diligence in reviewing it,” Wiggins said. “But the intent of me personally, and I believe the full Legislature, is that that was to be enacted … What studies have shown across the county is that the cap on physician visits has not, in the end, saved money. In fact, in some cases it has led to higher costs.”

In a statement to the Clarion Ledger, Medicaid Director Drew Snyder said the Legislature voted to give the division authority to determine the number of doctor’s visits and monthly prescriptions it will cover.

“For me, it all starts with the law,” said Snyder, who went from serving as Gov. Phil Bryant’s deputy chief of staff to heading Medicaid just before the 2018 legislative session. “There is a lot of support among legislators and within the division to relax visit limits, but there is also a recognition that the Medicaid program should be operating within its appropriation. We are examining ways to responsibly implement a policy change that is affordable today and would be sustainable over time.”

Congressman Palazzo to keynote MS Manufacturers convention


NEWS MS – Sen. Wicker commemorates “Juneteenth Independence Day”

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker has announced the passage of his resolution designating today, June 19, 2018, as “Juneteenth Independence Day,” observing the date slavery effectively came to an end in the United States in 1865.  In a news release, Senator Wicker noted how important it is to commemorate this important date in U.S. history.

“Juneteenth is a landmark occasion in our nation’s history – when the remaining slaves in this country were emancipated,” Wicker said. “It is a day to remember our nation’s past and a day to commemorate the work that has been done over the past 150 years toward ensuring freedom, equality, and justice for every American. I am proud to have introduced this resolution in the Senate, working with my colleagues to give this holiday the national recognition it deserves.”

WLOX – “Certainly people have a opportunity to go out and express their beliefs’: Governor Bryant responds to flag burning – The News for South Mississippi

WLBT – Vicksburg breaks ground on sports complex, new company opens its doors on same day

A new company officially opened its doors in Vicksburg and city officials broke ground on a multi-million-dollar, state-of-the-art sports complex.

“A step in the right economic direction.” That’s how Governor Phil Bryant describes the official opening of Vicksburg Forest Products.

He says it’s important to have businesses that support the community and offers good paying jobs.

“That will be 125 good paying jobs,” said Governor Bryant.

The Vicksburg Forest Products is a Mississippi company. It is reopening at the old Anderson Tully facility, which recently sold the mill after more than 100 years in Vicksburg.

“So we saved those jobs, save the company and expanded and it just doesn’t get much better than that,” said Bryant.

McComb elects Democrat Lockley as Mayor


WLOX – Court dismisses lawsuit against Ocean Springs over state flag – The News for South Mississippi

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.