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YP Daily Roundup 6/13/18

YP Daily Roundup 6/13/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 13, 2018

Hyde-Smith Camp responds to Chris McDaniel’s “pout” over BIPEC rating


McDaniel claims Hyde-Smith wants to cut Trump’s Veterans budget increase by half

Currently sitting on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Cindy Hyde-Smith supports cutting President Trump’s proposed budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs by more than half.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, President Trump proposed an increase of $12.1 billion over Fiscal Year 2019. Hyde-Smith is only willing to fund less than half of that increase.

“Cindy Hyde-Smith has proven that she is not willing to help President Trump keep America’s promise to our veterans,” said U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel. “If she can’t be trusted to support our veterans by supporting President Trump’s budget, what can she be trusted with?”

Sen. Wicker: I have supported POTUS’s programs more than any other member of the Senate


DAILY JOURNAL – State leaders not concerned with Trump’s trade tiff with Canada

Mississippi officials apparently have few concerns about a potential trade war between the United States and Canada, which is the largest trading partner for not only the U.S., but also the state.

“The economy is booming and unemployment has reached record lows nationwide and here in Mississippi,” said Gov. Phil Bryant. “President Trump puts American workers and businesses first, and his policies continue to bear that out.”…

…U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker believes Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will eventually work through their issues. At the recent G-7 meetings in Canada, Trump left the summit early to fly to Singapore for his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. But taking to Twitter, the president has heavily criticized Trudeau and Canada for its tariffs, particularly its 270 percent tariff on dairy. Trump followed up his criticism Tuesday, saying Trudeau’s stance on trade discussions was a “mistake” that would cost Canada “a lot of money.”

“I do not think there will be a trade war,” Wicker said. “The United States and Canada remain great allies and important trading partners. By reviewing our trade agreements and seeking the best possible deal, I hope the end result will be better opportunities for Mississippi businesses, farmers and consumers.”

Anti-Trump liberal organization, Indivisible, backs Baria in #MSSen runoff


VICKSBURG POST – GOP chapter turns up heat for Congressional debate; Candidate insists he will not attend

The Hinds County Republican Party announced on Monday they will host a debate on Thursday between third congressional runoff candidates Michael Guest and Whit Hughes.

…The Hinds County GOP is one of the largest Republican Party county chapters in the state. Pete Perry, who is the chairman of the Hinds County GOP, is also a Hinds County campaign chairman for Hughes’ campaign.Perry did not immediately return a call to Mississippi Today for comment on Monday.

“The Republican Party prides itself on being the party of ideas, we intend to showcase the ideas of these two candidates, both similarities and differences,” Perry said in the news release announcing the “debate.”

Amile Wilson, secretary for the Hinds County GOP, told Mississippi Today on Monday that invitations to the runoff debate had been sent to all six candidates in the race “about a month ago.” Wilson said five of the six candidates, excluding Guest, previously agreed to the debate.

Gov. Bryant: Mississippi earns 8th Silver Shovel from Area Development


DAILY JOURNAL – Amid key races, GOP chairman urges unity

State Republican chairman Lucien Smith is urging party unity in an effort to ensure that a divisive special election doesn’t cost the GOP a key senate seat in a deeply red state.

Speaking before the Lee County Republican Club Monday night, Smith predicted that a November special election to fill Thad Cochran’s unfinished term will likely be decided by a runoff between a Republican and a Democrat.

With that in mind, and without mentioning either candidate directly by name, Smith asked that supporters of Cindy Hyde-Smith and Chris McDaniel prepare to vote for the other candidate.

Staying home or casting a write-in ballot during a special election runoff won’t be good enough, in Smith’s view.

“If you don’t vote for the Republican, you’re casting a vote for Chuck Schumer to be the majority leader of the U.S. Senate,” said the GOP chairman, an attorney elected to his post last year.

Taiwan president decorates Congressman Harper with Order of the Brilliant Star

MISSISSIPPI JUSTICE INSTITUTE op-ed: Cake case ruling is a victory for tolerance

WTOK – Choctaw tribal casinos to have sports betting soon

Mississippi is one of just five states that have the edge on getting started with sports betting.

Regulations are out for public comment from the state Gaming Commission. But similar changes have already been given a green light by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.

While the three Choctaw casinos aren’t connected to the state’s gaming commission, the overall goal and excitement surrounding the new offering is the same.

NEWSMS – Fitch launches financial education classes

Yesterday State Treasurer Lynn Fitch and the Mississippi Council on Economic Education (MCEE) launched a new teacher training program to better equip Mississippi teachers to successfully teach skills that will improve financial literacy for high school students. It is part of Fitch’s Treasurer’s Education About Money (TEAM), the public-private partnership that she developed to bring free financial education resources into Mississippi schools. MCEE is an integral partner in TEAM.

“I am very excited that TEAM is taking this next step in teacher training and couldn’t be happier to have MCEE, the premier source for educating educators in personal finance, leading it,” said Fitch.  “In TEAM’s first three years, together, we trained more than 1,200 teachers across the State, giving them the tools and resources to not only teach classes in personal finance but to incorporate financial education into their classroom activities in other ways, as well.  The Master Teacher of Personal Finance program takes the training to the next level and fine-tunes these skills for the high school classroom.”

WCBI – US engineers plans millions in Mississippi water projects

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released a work plan that includes nearly $56 million of water projects during this budget year in Mississippi, including some for flood control.

The state’s two Republican U.S. senators, Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith, say Tuesday that the projects will improve the quality of life.

The list includes $3 million for maintenance dredging at the Mississippi State Port at Gulfport. It also has $3.6 million for wastewater treatment in fast-growing DeSoto County on the northern end of the state.

Also included is more than $27 million for projects intended to reduce flooding and erosion the Delta.

WLOX – 90 gang members arrested in major South Mississippi crime bust – The News for South Mississippi

WJTV – Operation Triple Beam nets nearly three hundred arrests

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.