WTOK – Democratic Senate candidates prepare for runoff
Baria pal Jones swipes at Sherman
Let’s all take a minute to congratulate @sherman4senate who voted in his first Mississippi election and Democratic primary today.
— Brandon Jones (@brandoncjones) June 6, 2018
WLOX – State Rep. Jeramey Anderson has sights set on 4th Congressional seat
WLOX.com – The News for South Mississippi
WDAM – Voter turnout low across Pine Belt for primaries
WDAM-TV 7-News, Weather, Sports-Hattiesburg, MS
WJTV – Michael Guest and Whit Hughes in run-off for 3rd Congressional District
CLARION LEDGER – Candidate Jay Hughes: Is Hosemann promoting himself or voting with stickers?
Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Jay Hughes is questioning whether Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann is promoting himself, rather than voting, with stickers being handed out at polls during Tuesday’s primaries.
Hosemann is considered a likely Republican candidate for lieutenant governor next year. State Rep. Hughes, D-Oxford, recently kicked off his campaign for the office.
Hughes on Wednesday copied media a letter to Hosemann and an image of “Vote in Honor of a Veteran” sticker, which also says Delbert Hosemann, secretary of state and includes his office seal. Hughes questions whether distribution or wearing of such a sticker inside voting precincts is allowed under a state law prohibition against displaying or distributing campaign materials within 150 feet of polling locations.
“If so, will your office authorize me, as an active duty military veteran and elected official, to distribute the same sticker, with my name and office in lieu of where your name and office appears, on elections days inside polling locations in Mississippi for the June 26th runoff, and Nov. 6 general election?” Hughes wrote.
WTOK – Mississippi high court mulls case over power to cut budgets
The Mississippi Supreme Court has heard arguments in a lawsuit that questions the governor’s power to make mid-year state budget cuts.
The Southern Poverty Law Center filed the suit in 2017 on behalf of two Democratic lawmakers.
It argues that the state constitution gives legislators the power to set budgets. The suit also says a law dealing with the governor making mid-year cuts violates the separation of powers between legislative and executive branches.
Gov. Bryant video conferences with POTUS on hurricane preparedness
Thanks to @realDonaldTrump, @FLOTUS and @fema leadership for briefing via video conference coastal governors on preparations for hurricane season. While we pray for the best, Mississippi is ready to respond if necessary. pic.twitter.com/uYuMQgToO4
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) June 6, 2018
WAPT – Applications for 8 Mississippi charter schools move forward
Seven groups seeking to open eight charter schools in Mississippi are moving forward in the application process.
The state’s Charter School Authorizer Board on Monday voted to accept those applications as complete and eligible.
Existing charter school operator RePublic Schools proposes a high school and a K-8 school for Jackson, while an operator associated with an existing private school seeks a K-5 school in Greenwood.
Three schools are proposed for Jackson and three are proposed for Greenwood. One each is proposed for Canton and Gloster.
Central PSC Brown addresses annoying robo calls
Getting annoying robo calls? We are too. Check out this video about what the Public Service Commission is doing to help crack down on this problem. pic.twitter.com/8IKswdLNHd
— Central District PSC (@CentralDistPSC) June 7, 2018