Gov. Bryant visits with US Ambassador to Japan
I was delighted to share the advantages of doing business in Mississippi with Japanese business and government leadership during a reception last night in Tokyo at the residence of U.S. Ambassador to Japan William Hagerty. pic.twitter.com/F2G8NN7xHR
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) May 23, 2018
Senators Wicker, Hyde-Smith want to end taxpayer funding for abortions
I am cosponsoring @SenatorWicker‘s ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion’ bill. Also very pleased with @POTUS directive to prevent #TitleX family planning funds from supporting abortion clinics. https://t.co/bDOfmzU67R
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) May 23, 2018
WTOK – Democratic 3rd Miss. Congressional District candidates speak
WTOK – Public reacts to congressional forum
CLARION LEDGER – David v. Goliath: Senate primary candidate face of Mississippi’s new Democratic Party?
“That’s what a campaign is about,” Baria said. “So, if you asked an everyday Mississippian, ‘Are you for, let’s say, tariffs?’ (They might say) ‘Sounds good to me. I heard Trump say it, and that’s what he needs to do, and yes,’ Alright well, ‘Are you for hurting our farmers? Your uncle so and so is a farmer, what if that tariff took money out of his family’s pockets and food off of his table, would you still be for the tariffs?’ ‘Well, wait, I didn’t know they would do that.’ That’s the kind of conversation you have to have with people.”
While Baria has found one position — the need to invest in the nation’s infrastructure — on which to agree with Trump, Baria is ultimately out to hedge the president’s efforts in nearly every other arena.
“(Mississippi voters) may support some of his policies based on polling data but I don’t think anybody’s having that conversation with them about what they really mean,” Baria said. “I think a lot of people voted for Trump because he lied to them about what his policies were going to do for them. They may not realize it yet, but I think they will over time realize that they’ve been tricked. Trump’s not out to help them. He’s not acting in their best interests.”
MS Democratic Trust backs David Baria for US Senate
Proud of @dbaria . Read this article and you will be too. #BetterwithBaria #mssen https://t.co/K0bEqeUtOA
— MS Democratic Trust (@MSDemTrust) May 24, 2018
WLBT – Pelahatchie’s Mayor speaks out about misspent drug seizure funds
Mississippi State Auditor Stacey Pickering says several current and former officials in the Town of Pelahatchie have 30 days to pay back $500,000 in misspent drug forfeiture funds.
The town’s mayor Ryshonda Beechem is included in the group and she is speaking out for the first time…
…Pickering says Beechem will be held jointly liable because she signed checks that removed money from the town’s drug seizure fund, which were not for the use of the Pelahatchie Police Department. He says there no exception under the law that would remove Mayor Beechem from liability.
Beechem’s Attorney Thomas Bellinder disagrees.
“As for all my clients I just want justice to be done,” said Thomas Bellinder. “There is an argument to be made that this investigation wouldn’t have happened, but for her stepping up and taking responsibility and saying something is not right here.”
DESOTO TIMES – Davis hired by Sardis in new role
Former longtime Southaven Mayor Greg Davis has been hired by the Town of Sardis as Tourism Director and Community Project Manager.
Davis said he applied for the position several weeks ago and was notified Wednesday that he had been selected.
“It’s a contractual deal,” Davis said. “I will not be a Town of Sardis employee,” he added.
Political Reporter Bobby Harrison joins MS Today
When former House Speaker Billy McCoy ran for re-election in 2003, he gave legendary speech at Hobo Fire Station where he proclaimed I don’t change much. I worked @DJournalnow from 1984 until May 1. I now work `for @MSTODAYnews
— Bobby Harrison (@BobbyHarrison9) May 23, 2018