NY TIMES – Trump’s Role in Midterm Elections Roils Republicans
Mr. Trump, for his part, has complained to associates about having been deployed to campaign for relatively weak Republicans like Roy S. Moore, who lost last year’s Senate race in Alabama, and Rick Saccone, who lost the special House election in Pennsylvania last month.
He has taken the losses personally, particularly in Alabama, because the vacancy there was a result of his decision to make Jeff Sessions attorney general, an appointment he has since regretted. Mr. Trump has subsequently blamed others in the party for thrusting him into episodes of humiliating defeat.
The scars from those races have made Mr. Trump reluctant to weigh in on the race that Senate Republicans most want his imprint on right now: the contest to replace Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, who resigned this month.
The president met this month with Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, the Republican appointee there and the favorite of the party establishment. Reflecting his fixation on personal loyalty, Mr. Trump quizzed Ms. Hyde-Smith on whether she had supported another candidate for president in 2016 before endorsing him. When Ms. Hyde-Smith said she had not, the president exclaimed that he needed more supporters like her in Washington, people briefed on the meeting said.
But his staff pointedly told her not to request the president’s endorsement at the meeting. White House officials have created a series of fund-raising and organizational benchmarks that they want to see the new senator reach before they make a decision — a sign of how wary they are of entangling a president sensitive to political setbacks in elections that Republicans are not guaranteed to win.
WLOX – New Mississippi Senator Hyde-Smith visits Jackson County
WLOX.com – The News for South Mississippi
Sen. Wicker supports shortening of debate time for certain presidential nominees
To help resolve the current backlog of nominations, I support a Senate resolution that would permanently shorten the debate time on certain nominees. Read how this change could help give the President the team he needs here: https://t.co/IZs8BWME4K
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) April 30, 2018
Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves visits with Harrison Co. GOP Women, WLOX
I always enjoy catching up with @DaveWLOX when I’m on the Coast. Thank you to the Harrison County @MSGOP women for hosting me. pic.twitter.com/3mCpHudbwt
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) April 30, 2018
MSGOP seeks to #RetireJimHood
Liberal Democrats across the nation are determined to turn Mississippi blue, and Jim Hood is no different from his national counterparts.
Just last week, Hood said that the mindset of Mississippi voters are changing when referring to conservative policies, going so far to claim that tax cuts were unhelpful.
As irony has it, Jim Hood is your typical tax-and-spend Democrat, whose solution for everything is more tax dollars, bigger government, and disregard for deficits…
…Jim Hood’s values are not Mississippi values. His liberal policies will only raise taxes on hardworking Mississippians, and destroy the booming economy Republicans have worked so hard to create.
It’s time for Mississippi to #RetireJimHood.
WJTV – Civil rights sites considered for national park status
A federal agency will hold six hearings about a proposal to give national park status to Mississippi civil rights sites.
The sites are the Jackson home where Mississippi NAACP leader Medgar Evers was assassinated in 1963; a store and courthouse connected to the 1955 slaying of black teenager Emmett Till; the old Neshoba County Jail where civil rights activists Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman were detained before Ku Klux Klansmen killed them in 1964; and the Biloxi medical office of Dr. Gilbert Mason, who organized wade-ins to integrate beaches.
The National Park Service hearings are May 7 in Cleveland and Sumner; May 8 at two locations in Jackson; May 9 in Philadelphia; and May 10 in Biloxi.
Gov. Bryant cutting ribbons, announcing jobs coming to state
We cut the ribbon this afternoon on Mossy Oak’s newly renovated headquarters in West Point. The building was once owned by the grandfather of Mr. Toxey Haas, founder and CEO of Mossy Oak. Congratulations to this great Mississippi company. pic.twitter.com/ktofXZ5BPk
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) April 30, 2018
Peco Foods is opening new operations in West Point, investing $40 million and creating 300 jobs. This is a testament to our skilled workforce and job-friendly tax and regulatory climate. Thanks to all who made today’s groundbreaking a reality. pic.twitter.com/0GZPiWJDRG
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) April 30, 2018
VICKSBURG POST – Bryant to be in Vicksburg Wednesday for economic development announcement
Gov. Phil Bryant will be in Vicksburg Wednesday to announce a new business coming to Warren County.
According to a press release from the Mississippi Development Authority, the announcement will be made at 2 p.m. at 169 Magnolia Road off U.S. 61 South.
Neither MDA officials nor Pablo Diaz with the Vicksburg-Warren Chamber of Commerce would name the company or discuss the type of business, although a source familiar with Bryant’s visit said the new company is expected to hire about 50 people.
Toyota announces another $170 million investment in Mississippi
Announcing $170M investment in #Mississippi supporting our plan to invest $10 billion in US facilities over the next five years! https://t.co/xdJZOomqm4 pic.twitter.com/4HXENSYpOe
— Toyota USA (@Toyota) April 26, 2018
SUNHERALD EDITORIAL – Confederate Memorial Day is not the right way for Mississippi to honor war heroes
It is past time to end Confederate Memorial Day.
For most of the Coast, it has already ended. The vast majority of government bodies and the people of the Coast have chosen to ignore it. For everyone except the employees of Harrison County, Monday will be business as usual.
The state should make it official and strike Confederate Memorial Day from the list of legal holidays. A holiday that will surely be met with derision by a sizable portion of the U.S. population does little to honor Mississippians who fought in the war.