The quarterly reports for candidates campaign finances for the US Senate candidates are coming in from the FEC. This morning, receipts for Republicans Chris McDaniel, Republican Roger Wicker, Democrat David Baria and Democrat Howard Sherman were released.
In the special election to replace Senator Cochran, Chris McDaniel was the only person that had to file as he was already an announced federal candidate prior to the reporting deadline. McDaniel reported a total of $99,590 in outside contributions this quarter. Additionally on the day before the filing deadline, he added another $55,000 loan from himself. His total ending cash on hand is just over $143k. This is a surprisingly low number for someone who’s been essentially campaigning unofficially and officially for the US Senate for the last year.
Chris McDaniel Q12018 by yallpolitics on Scribd
David Baria
Although in a different race, State Representative David Baria started raising money a couple of months later in the quarter than McDaniel did and still managed to outraise him from outside sources with $120,644.45. Notable contributions include America Works PAC, Act Blue Technical Services, Dick & Dianne Scruggs, and Brad Chism of Chism Strategies. His ending cash on hand was just over $120k.
Chris McDaniel Q12018 by yallpolitics on Scribd
Roger Wicker
Senator Roger Wicker is showing huge contributions for the quarter. Wicker raised over $1,000,000 in just this quarter alone ($1.02 million to be exact). Even after some pretty substantial expenditures on media buys that effectively ran Chris McDaniel out of his race, his total cash on hand is still $3.43 million. You can view the report here.
Also, Democrat candidate Howard Sherman bootstrapped his campaign with a $500K loan on the day before the reporting deadline and is showing $500K cash on hand. His report can be found here.
You can find full reports on all U.S. Senate and federal candidates on the Bipec website.