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YP Daily Roundup 2/21/18

YP Daily Roundup 2/21/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 21, 2018

WJTV – Run-off election now scheduled for Mississippi House seat

The election results are in and the race for the District 60 house seat will come down to two candidates.

At the end of tonight’s election, Fred Shanks was leading in votes with 834. Bob Morrow had 746 votes.

The run-off election will be on March 13th.

MERIDIAN STAR – Senate to begin considering school funding formula rewrite

Mississippi state senators are scheduled to begin discussing on Wednesday a plan to rewrite Mississippi’s school funding formula.

Officials made the announcement Tuesday as senators met with a consultant who helped develop ideas that were incorporated into House Bill 957 , which representatives passed last month.

Senate Education Committee Chairman Gray Tollison, an Oxford Republican, says his committee will discuss the bill passed by the House, but won’t vote or take up any changes until next week. His committee must act on the bill before a Tuesday deadline.

WLBT – MDOT unhappy after BRIDGE Act passes Senate less than 24 hours after being made public – Jackson, MS

DAILY JOURNAL – Mississippi lawmakers work on early versions of bond bills

The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday passed Senate Bill 3047 , which would authorize the state to issue nearly $82.6 million in bonds for projects at universities, $25 million for community colleges and $36.5 million for agencies…

…The Finance Committee also passed Senate Bill 3048 , which would authorize tens of millions of dollars in bonds to finance a variety of projects, including improvements to water systems.

The bills go to the full Senate for more debate.

At the midpoint of the legislative session, the House is working on its own bond bills. One of them is House Bill 1650 , which passed the House on Tuesday and will move to the Senate for more work. It includes a few million dollars for universities and state agencies. Those are relatively small dollar figures that are expected to increase if the House and Senate end up negotiating a final bond package in late March, when the session will be winding down.

Gov. Bryant headlines HEADWAE luncheon


CLARION LEDGER – AG: Corporations have Mississippi lawmakers ‘flat doing their bidding’

Attorney General Jim Hood said Tuesday that proposed legislation would block him from protecting Mississippians who have been hurt or harmed.

“Corporations have just flat got our Legislature doing their bidding,” he said…

…Corporations also have a wide influence in Washington, he said. “People know that corporations and money have that influence over Congress, and we regular folks don’t.”

He said some lawmakers are getting campaign contributions and sometimes dining with these corporate officials before doing their bidding.

“If I catch a payoff,” he said, “I’m going to put somebody in jail.”

WTOK – Hire Mississippi policy set to launch

THE DISPATCH – Aldermen shoot down Pride parade request

Starkville Aldermen have voted to deny a request from Starkville Pride to host the city’s first Pride Parade.

Starkville Pride, an LGBT support group, was seeking to hold the parade on March 24…

…Mayor Lynn Spruill, who spoke in favor of the parade during the meeting, told The Dispatch she was disappointed with the board’s decision

“I am hurt that we feel as though we have to tell any group in our community ‘No’ to something as simple as a parade and a show of unity,” Spruill said. “I am very disappointed that we chose to disallow that opportunity to have that Pride parade.”…

…She also said the decision will likely reflect poorly on Starkville.

“I think it does, and I think it’s very unfortunate, because I don’t think we are as closed as this vote indicates,” she said. “We obviously are a divided board — it was a 4-3 vote. So I think you have a group of people who are made uncomfortable, and while I tend to embrace things that make me uncomfortable because it’s a way to grow, there are some folks who are not so inclined.”

Congressman Palazzo receives “True Blue” award for support of faith, family, and freedom


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.