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YP Daily Roundup 2/13/18

YP Daily Roundup 2/13/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 13, 2018

WLOX – State Senators say no to bill to change how school board members are elected

The Senate voted 28-21 Monday to let Senate Bill 2400 die on a procedural move, even though the measure previously passed the Senate 28-23.

The bill would have made all school board terms four years long and required board members to run for office either when Mississippians vote for president or governor.

Some districts now elect all members, others appoint them all, and others have a mix of elected and appointed members. Elected terms can last four, five or six years.

Gov. Bryant joins President Trump for Infrastructure Plan Announcement


Vicksburg Mayor Flaggs has seat next to President Trump at Infrastructure Announcement

Sen. Cochran’s Statement on the President’s American Infrastructure Initiative

U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today released the following statement regarding the American Infrastructure Initiative unveiled by President Trump:

“President Trump’s initiative to rebuild and improve infrastructure around the country is ambitious.  It will be up to Congress to review the plan carefully and develop legislation to put this plan in motion.  I particularly like the plan’s attention to assisting rural states and to lessening the costly bureaucratic permitting process for many public works—both of which would be beneficial to Mississippi.”

WLBT – State lawmakers react to President’s infrastructure plan

“Now we know here in the Mississippi legislature that we can’t expect the federal government to come through with any money for infrastructure,” said Rep. David Baria. “So that means we have to do it ourselves. So I hope that it means folks in this building are very serious about how we’re going to take care of our crumbling roads and bridges around our state.”

“It’s very important that we move forward this session with getting an infrastructure plan in place and hopefully it will be a multi-year program so it’s not just a Band-Aid or short-term patch,” noted Sen. Joey Fillingane.

Senator Terry Burton notes the state can’t afford to completely wait on new federal dollars either.

“The federal budget year begins October 1,” said Burton-R. The state fiscal year begins July 1. There’s six months difference in those two numbers. So, we’ll have to try to look at it and see if we can foresee the future and make a determination about what we want to do with infrastructure.”

WLOX – MS bill banning smoking in cars with children fails

The bill that was recently killed would have made it a misdemeanor for an adult to smoke in a vehicle with a child under the age of six.

Advocates said these laws are needed, but they have an idea why it’s so hard for lawmakers to get it passed.

“The tobacco industry would be against something like this is because it would infringe on an individuals rights,” Sandra Shelson of Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi said.

CLARION LEDGER – Trump’s absence means black lawmakers will now celebrate new civil rights museum

“It could be called a counter opening,” said 2nd District Rep. Bennie Thompson. “But what we’re trying to say is the civil rights museum should not be highlighted by people who have no history in the civil rights movement, so we’re trying to legitimize the museum by bringing participants and supporters of civil rights who have a long-standing history of civil rights and not people who are there for the day and gone.’’

WTVA – Tupelo Native Enters Race for Congress

A Tupelo native becomes the sixth person to jump in the race for the U.S. House in Mississippi’s Third Congressional District.

The Clarion Ledger reports Katherine Tate has qualified to seek the Republican nomination.

She is described as a former educator and administrator now living in Jackson.

Sen. Cochran’s Statement on President Trump’s FY2019 Budget Request

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) today released the following statement on President Donald Trump’s FY2019 budget request:

“The President’s budget offers a starting point for the Appropriations Committees to draft and enact spending bills.  In the coming months, the Committee will conduct hearings and thoroughly review the President’s proposal in order to inform our efforts to fund national security and government operations for the new fiscal year.

“Our immediate focus is to work with the House and the administration to complete the appropriations process for the 2018 fiscal year.  I hope that with the enactment of a budget deal last week, the Appropriations Committee will soon meet that goal and then embark on a schedule to draft and approve all 12 of the annual spending bills for FY2019.  I encourage the participation and good-faith efforts of Senators in this process.”

Sen. Wicker talks Tax Reform in weekly Wicker Report


CLARION LEDGER – State attorneys general: No citizenship question on census

Mississippi was part of a coalition of state attorneys general on Monday urging the U.S. Department of Commerce to not add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census, saying it could lower participation among immigrants and cause a population undercount…

…The letter said they were opposing a request by the U.S. Department of Justice to add the question, and that it would chill “participation in the 2020 census by noncitizens and naturalized citizens alike” over fears about confidentiality and possible data-sharing.

Congressman Harper speaks at Mississippi College

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.