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Waynesboro mayor, aldermen still at...

Waynesboro mayor, aldermen still at odds over rehiring of employees leaving municipality without critical services

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 3, 2018

Waynesboro mayor, aldermen can’t reach agreement to re-hire 60 former city employees

WAYNESBORO, MS (WDAM) – The Waynesboro mayor and the Board of Aldermen could not come to an agreement to re-hire 60 former on Tuesday. The mayor said each person needs to be hired and approved on an individual basis, not as a group, but the majority of aldermen recommended to hire them as a group with a single vote.

The positions in question are called “holdover employees,” who have to be re-hired within the first 180 days of a new administration, and includes 16 police officers and the entire fire department. The deadline for their rehiring was midnight on Friday, Dec. 31.


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