The Mississippi Legislature gaveled back in to session this week. They do so in the midst of a lot of chatter surrounding revenue and spending. The public has repeatedly been told that both are rapidly declining. Neither is true. Today we’ll take a quick look at taxes and fees collected from Mississippi workers and job creators.
On Friday of last week, the Mississippi Department of Revenue released its Annual Report. The report shows a slight increase in “transfers” of tax dollars in FY2017 over FY2016, including a marginal increase in state funds distributed to local governments. DOR’s “Cash Reports” likewise show an increase in collections between FY2016 and FY2017, including increases in both sales and income taxes collected. DOR’s in-state collections neared $7.9 billion in FY2017.
To be sure the increase in collections and transfers is quite small. Current leadership has slowed the growth of government, which is what conservatives promised they would do. But, even near even funding is a far cry from the slash and burn rhetoric splashed across the headlines.
MSDOR Annual Report FY 2017 Final 2 by yallpolitics on Scribd