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State Rep. Criswell: Mississippi Public...

State Rep. Criswell: Mississippi Public Housing Authorities Deny Residents Constitutional Rights

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 30, 2016

State Rep. Dana Criswell: Mississippi Public Housing Authorities Deny Residents Constitutional Rights

Public housing authorities in Mississippi are denying tenants their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

One example that has come to my attention is the Housing Authority of the City of Corinth. In their rules and regulations they specifically state; “The Housing Authority prohibits the possession and/or discharge of a dangerous weapon on any of the Housing Authority’s properties.” Their policy continues to ban slingshots and knives and states that any weapons “may be confiscated.”…

…On December 19, 2016, I notified every public housing authority in the state of Mississippi of the current law and asked that they provide me a copy of their current policy. I’ve also asked each public housing authority to rescind any rule or regulation that restricts their lessee’s right to lawfully possess firearms or ammunition in their dwellings.

It is a shame that public officials who claim to be pro second amendment make rules and policy decisions that prove they have no respect for the people of their city or their constitutional rights. Limiting the rights of Mississippi citizens simply because they are poor and live in public housing is a violation of the law and is simply wrong.

If you are a resident of a Mississippi public housing complex and this violation of the law has negatively affected you, please contact me, Rep. Dana Criswell at Also, if you can obtain a copy of your housing authorities rules that show a violation please email me a copy. Your name will not be used in any way without your consent.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.