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Supt. of Education Wright making 167...

Supt. of Education Wright making 167 stop tour of state

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 5, 2016

State education leader to visit DeSoto County

Looking to highlight successes in public school education over the past year, Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Supt. Dr. Carey Wright is setting about a statewide tour to a select group of schools that have excelled in the classroom.

Wright’s tour will include what will likely be her first-ever visit to a DeSoto County school when she stops at Lewisburg Middle School on Friday, Dec. 16, the last day before DeSoto County School District students and teachers begin their Christmas vacation….

…The Dec. 16 visit is one of 167 stops the state education leader will make across Mississippi, beginning Monday, Dec. 5 at Vancleve High School and continuing through the month until Monday, Dec. 19, when Wright will end her trip at Oxford Middle School, which is part of the Oxford school district, an “A” district named the number one district in the state accountability testing.

Desoto Times

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.