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Rep. Joel Bomgar announces research...

Rep. Joel Bomgar announces research project to move Mississippi “Out of Last Place”

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 13, 2016

State Rep. Joel Bomgar (R) announced a new non-profit research project this morning on the Paul Gallo Show aimed at moving Mississippi up the ladder nationally.

The “Out of Last Place Alliance” is a partnership of business leaders dedicated to getting Mississippi permanently and forever “out of last place.”

The project is studying the state’s per-capita income history, which they believe is the best economic measure of human prosperity and well-being, and comparing it other states. Their goal is to publish comprehensive research and solutions to definitively determine when and how Mississippi got in last place, why Mississippi is still in last place, and what specific, concrete, and actionable steps would be required to get Mississippi out of last place.

Bomgar told Gallo he began this effort the day after the 2015 August primary election and has spent the last year compiling data. He has now launched the preliminary site and notes that the group is still a year out from being able to present their final findings and suggestions to the public, government officials, and business leaders.

Bomgar invited anyone interested in assisting with the project to visit and contact the Alliance.


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.