Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans has announced a rally to support keeping the current Mississippi state flag. The group is running radio ads across the state to promote their event.
According to their website, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mississippi Division, is helping to preserve the state flag of Mississippi as it has been since 1894. Therefore, we are assisting with the drive to support INITIATIVE 58 to Keep Our Flag.
Ballot Summary
Initiave 58 proposes to amend the Mississippi Constitution to recognize that the State Flag of Mississippi is and shall be the flag adopted by the Legislature of 1894 and used continuously since then. Any proposed amendment of the State Flag of Mississippi shall conform to the provisions of the amendment process found in Section 273 of the Mississippi Constitution of 1890, as proposed by the Legislature or by initiative of the people.
The HIGH NOON RALLY- Jan. 19, 2016
Make your voice be heard. Be SEEN by the State Legislature that you support preservation of the state flag of Mississippi adopted in 1894.
Please attend and bring your Mississippi flag so you can wave it proudly for our elected officials to see.