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Gov. Bryant calls out MDE over Special...

Gov. Bryant calls out MDE over Special Needs procedures

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 19, 2015

Children With Special Needs: Gov. Calls Out Dept. of Education on Procedure for Scholarship

Bryant said on the Gallo Show Thursday that he has sent a letter to the department because the process may be too difficult for some parents.

“You have to do so between the first of July and the tenth of July, ten days,” he said. “How on earth would you know that? We’re trying to find out if it’s somewhere other than the website for the Dept. of Education.”

News Mississippi checked the Dept. of Education website and found a news release dated June 8 regarding the policies and procedures for the new program. The release confirmed most of what Bryant objected to.. You can read it here.

Bryant said another difficulty is that in the proposal, there is no online application, only “snail mail”.

“Why not have it open the entire time? What’s the problem of having an online system that you could qualify that child?”



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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.