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Wicker to Delta Council: US Senate is...

Wicker to Delta Council: US Senate is different, getting things done

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 1, 2015

U.S. Senate taking a new approach to problem-solving, Wicker says

The wheels of government turn slowly it’s been said, and they seem to have been turning even more slowly than usual in recent years. But that’s beginning to change in at least one chamber of the Congress, one of its members says.

“I hope people are beginning to notice there has been some important progress lately in the chamber where I serve,” says Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker, who became one of a long line of members of the U.S. Senate to address the annual meeting of the Delta Council in Cleveland, Miss., on Friday (May 29).

“The Senate, I would submit to you, is different this year,” he said. “We’re taking more votes; we’re moving more legislation; we’re actually reaching across the aisle Congressman Bowen (a Democrat who represented north Mississippi in Congress for many years and was a platform guest at the Delta Council meeting). And we’re getting things done.”

Delta Farm Press

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.