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Conflicted Jackson County Economic...

Conflicted Jackson County Economic board opposes hospital transparency bill, ties not reported

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 6, 2015

The article below requires a bit of context for readers to understand why the JCEDF’s position on the public hospital transparency bill regarding SRHS is conflicted. The press did not include the ties that contextualize this position.

Cronin is CEO of Charter Bank whose founder is Roy Williams, recently resigned SRHS board attorney. Williams’ son is also an attorney for SRHS and their law firm continues to represent the board. His other son is being sued by SRHS in a business contract matter.

Morris Strickland, a recently resigned SRHS board member who resigned over residency issues, is on the JCEDF board.

Jerry St. Pe is also on the JCEDF board. His son is a SRHS administrator and his daughter in law is an attorney at Williams’ law firm.

County supervisors also sit on the JCEDF board.


Jackson County Economic Development Foundation opposes SRHS transparency bill

PASCAGOULA, Mississippi — The Jackson County Economic Development Foundation’s Board of Directors is opposing amended Senate Bill 2407, a bill that would require Singing River Health System to abide by the state open meetings and public-records laws.

The JCEDF, the county’s public/private partnership representing more than 120 businesses and industries, says it doesn’t support the fact that the bill would apply only to SRHS.

“The JCEDF has serious concern over the negative consequences the bill in its present form will have on our community hospital system and on the overall economic development of Jackson County,” said Greg Cronin, chairman of the JCEDF’s Board of Directors.

“The JCEDF does not oppose transparency of public bodies, but does oppose selective transparency that will be damaging to Jackson County,” he said.

The directors adopted the position at their board meeting today and has communicated the opinion to state House and Senate members who represent Jackson County, he said.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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