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PENDER: McRepublicans throwing a...

PENDER: McRepublicans throwing a “temper tantrum” #MSSen #McGOP #tcot

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 30, 2014

PENDER: Will McDaniel faithful cut off noses to spite … RINOs?

Beyond thumbing their noses at Cochran, McDaniel and his most faithful have vowed to “purge” the state GOP, dismantle the party establishment come 2015 and create a “McGOP.” This seems strange in a state where most of the elected Republican leadership is already about as conservative as they come. Trying to tear down one’s own party infrastructure is an odd way to try to advance your movement, particularly on a state level. Political ships of state, by design, are not supposed to turn on a dime or totally change course with the wind.

The emotion and bitterness is understandable. But there will be other elections.

The tea party movement and message has been catching in Mississippi, and with a little work from the inside, it would certainly sway the state Republican Party (and already has). But trying to throw elections to another party because your guy didn’t win the nomination isn’t a sound long-range political strategy.

It’s a temper tantrum.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.