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@politico lists Chris McDaniel’s...

@politico lists Chris McDaniel’s campaign as one of the worst in 2014 #MSSen #tcot

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 25, 2014

The worst campaigns of 2014

For a while, it looked like McDaniel would be one of 2014’s brightest stars. In a June GOP primary battle, he nearly knocked off 36-year Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran.

But McDaniel fell just short in a runoff three weeks later. Then things really went south.

McDaniel has challenged the legitimacy of Cochran’s election, charging that Democrats illegally cast ballots in the runoff. A Mississippi judge threw out the challenge. But McDaniel hasn’t stopped pushing to overturn the results. He’s now trying to take a case to the state Supreme Court.

Some conservatives contend that McDaniel is only hurting himself.

“[S]ome McDaniel supporters can’t think about anything but winning this one primary,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter wrote in a July editorial. “They don’t care that they’re gambling with a Republican majority in the Senate — or destroying McDaniel’s future prospects.”


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.