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Will pro-McDaniel blogger Charles...

Will pro-McDaniel blogger Charles Johnson punk AG Jim Hood by now showing for grand jury? #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 19, 2014

Will blogger Johnson appear before grand jury?

The subpoena Johnson published ordered him to bring any records regarding his interview of Fielder and about any payments to Fielder for interview. It also orders him to bring any records regarding Johnson’s dealings with Fritsch or South Mississippi tea party leader John Rhodes.

Rhodes has said he doesn’t know why his name is being brought up, other than Fielder called him after the runoff and said he had information that would “blow the lid off the Cochran campaign.” Rhodes said he directed Fielder to two tea party colleagues who worked as volunteers on the McDaniel campaign.

McDaniel has used the Fielder interview audio as part of his legal challenge to his loss to Cochran.

McDaniel recently said he welcomes an investigation into the matter.

“That’s a good thing,” McDaniel said. “I hope as they begin to subpoena documents between Rev. Fielder and others, they’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m glad we’re seeing the wheels of justice move and subpoenas are out there.”

Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.