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The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day 87...

The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day 87 – Haggis, #AyeOrDie, bounced emails and the appeal

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 19, 2014

We interrupt our coverage to bring you this special report.

The liberty movement ain’t just for rednecks. Apparently it’s for redheads, too.

Not content to be chasing imaginary voter fraud on this continent, pro-McDaniel blogger Charles Johnson is taking time from avoiding grand jury service from his last voter fraud investigation to weigh in on the inevitable voter fraud in . . . . Scotland.

Of course, the leading proponent of Scottish independence has already conceded the referendum, but real liberty-loving Yankees knew the fix was in. This time, there’s (really poorly done) tape.

Word has it that an exclusive interview with Rev. Willie Fielding (pictured above), a self-proclaimed rural highlands deacon, will reveal that he was surreptitiously paid by the Vote No Thanks movement to distribute haggis from village to village in exchange for No votes. Failed SCOTCH Party Parliamentary candidate Shamus McDaniel will be paying 1000 pound bounty to anyone with bona fide evidence of voter fraud.

Back in the states, the South MS Tea Party is facing a dilemma of sorts. Apparently, only 20% of their email is being opened (shocking) . So if you get an email from the South MS TEA Party, for God sakes open it. It might be important.

And it’s game on in the MS Supreme Court. This appeal does not involve fundraising (at least as of this point). Chris McDaniel (distant relative to Shamus) has filed his brief with the Court in the nick of time. Since this is appellate, most of the arguments are pretty procedural so not much bomb-throwing happens in the appeal brief itself.

Chris McDaniel MSSC brief in McDaniel vs. Cochran

More to come next week.

That’s the way it was – Day 87 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.

Good day Mississippi – and good luck.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.