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HALEY FISACKERLY- Bright future for...

HALEY FISACKERLY- Bright future for Mississippi

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 18, 2014

FISACKERLY/Bright future for Mississippi

Entergy Mississippi’s “Bright Future” plan is our roadmap for the next decade. Our employees, faced with a changing energy landscape and rising costs from increased federal regulation, have come up with a blueprint to keep customer costs down and better serve our communities. Our rates are already well below state and national averages, and our goal is to keep them that way.

Our resource management team strives to find the cheapest power sources to generate electricity, and in recent years bought two highly-efficient natural gas plants at a savings to customers of $800 million. They helped the company join a power-buying cooperative, saving customers $250 million over the next decade. They helped upgrade Grand Gulf nuclear plant to produce about 13% more power- power that costs customers just a half-cent per kilowatt. And this same team is proposing to build Mississippi’s first-ever, utility-scale solar power project.

Our economic development group helps the State of Mississippi and its communities recruit new businesses and create thousands of jobs, more than 4,000 new jobs in the last four years. Electricity prices are a big part of recruiting new industry, so they are proposing new rate incentives for new and expanding industries and infrastructure to serve some of Mississippi’s most promising industrial sites for future development.

Madison County Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.