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EMMERICH – Hard to ignore the...

EMMERICH – Hard to ignore the massive fees in education suit by Fmr. Gov. Ronnie Musgove

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 18, 2014

Hard to ignore the massive fees in education suit

TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS!!! Just for a lawsuit asking a chancery judge to define the meaning of the word “shall.” Truly, I am in the wrong business. With all deference to Mr. Musgrove (who I can’t help but like), this is big news. And that’s just representing 14 of the 148 school districts that have signed him up to get their $115 million in underfunding. If he reaches a settlement on the entire $1.5 billion in education underfunding, the legal fees could be in the hundreds of millions.

Musgrove defended himself by pointing out nobody has fussed about William Winter’s fees suing the drug companies.

There is a crucial difference here. Those fees don’t come straight from the governmental coffers, specifically the educational coffers. The money spent on the legal fees is money that won’t go to the schools.

Northside Sun

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.