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State Auditor Pickering on #MAEP:...

State Auditor Pickering on #MAEP: “We’re fighting a flawed formula that’s not even accurate”

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 15, 2014

State Auditor Pickering: MAEP Formula Not Reliable

“If a school district has a predominant number of students on free and reduced lunch, the odds are they’re in a property poor district anyway,” says Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove, the co-author of the MAEP formula.

“We’re fighting a flawed formula that’s not even accurate that’s not even correct, but it’s how we fund education in Mississippi,” says Pickering.

Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove says the formula isn’t flawed but it’s under funded.

“When we under fund it you are looking at a school district and saying we’re not going to give you the money it takes to be successful,” says Gov. Musgrove.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.