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DAILY JOURNAL: Childers and Cochran...

DAILY JOURNAL: Childers and Cochran must move forward with the campaign #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 7, 2014

OUR OPINION: Childers, Cochran must move ahead with campaign

Mississippi’s general election campaigns for the U.S. Senate have shifted decidedly away from the might-have-been issues, especially involving the Republican primary, and toward what is essentially a two-person race matching GOP incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran of Oxford against Democratic nominee Travis Childers, a former 1st District congressman from Booneville.

Cochran and Childers both have been actively campaigning based on their certification by the Mississippi Election Commission as the nominees of their parties. Shawn O’Hara is the Reform Party candidate but is generally considered a non-factor in terms of winning the election.

Chris McDaniel, who remains the defeated GOP primary former candidate despite his decision to appeal his case for an eventual overturn of results to the Mississippi Supreme Court, is not on any November ballot so far approved and isn’t likely to be.

Childers and Cochran must move forward with the campaign.

Daily Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.