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DM: Wisconsin-based Freedom from...

DM: Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation sends FOIA request to Ole Miss football

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 5, 2014

Group requests records about football, religious services

A national non-theistic organization has requested records concerning religious practices associated with The University of Mississippi football program.

Sam Grover, staff attorney for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, sent an open records request to the university on Wednesday after reading an article that ran in The Washington Post on Aug. 29. The article highlighted the role of religion in college football in the South.

Grover provided a copy of the letter to The Daily Mississippian.

“We would like to examine certain records related to chaplain John Powell and The University of Mississippi (‘University’) football program,” Grover wrote. “For the purposes of this request, ‘Football Program’ means the university football team, which includes all coaches and football personnel, paid or unpaid, who regularly access the team’s facilities.”

Daily Mississippian

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