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“Tea Party Leadership Fund”...

“Tea Party Leadership Fund” grifting with email within 2 hours of Chris McDaniel #mssen decision

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 31, 2014


Pay offs? Bribes? Back-room deals? Steak dinners? Thad Cochran’s hoping you have forgotten how he sold-out to steal the Mississippi primary out from under the tea party hero Chris McDaniel.

NOW, the lawsuit to overturn Thad’s bought-and-paid-for June primary has been filed and DISMISSED!!!

**Now we MUST make sure Chris McDaniel has the resources he needs to take this to the Mississippi State Supreme Court.**

A word of thanks from Chris — “We’ve always appreciated the strong support of the all our friends in the Tea Party movement, including Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC which maxxed out to both our primary and run-off and now our legal defense fund, and helped raise more than $20,000 from its donors for this campaign.”

**Taking this to the Mississippi State Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal, and rightfully beating Cochran for a 3rd time will take your support. Will you chip in $5 or more? We MUST win Mississippi!**

But the truth is: the establishment cannot buy 40,000 illegal Democrat votes to win a Republican primary runoff and expect silence from the tea party about it.

Mississippi election law states, any voter who casts their primary ballot for a member of their party MAY NOT crossover and cast a vote in the other political party’s runoff election.

Thad Cochran’s hoping you forgot how:
1. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has abandoned its mission fighting Democrats AND they’ll spend more than $1 million in the next 6 days to protect its ‘obedient buddy’ Thad Cochran.
2. Liberal money man Michael Bloomberg has helped raise a quick $2 Million for Cochran’s campaign efforts.
3. Democrat spin-master, James Warren, worked for the Mississippi Conservatives PAC to forge its statewide plan to turn out votes for Cochran;
4. The NRSC also blasted out emails accusing McDaniel of being a racist, a bigot, and a gaffe prone fool;
5. The Mississippi Federation of College Republicans ousted its own executive director — Kolby Busby — when he voiced his support for McDaniel;
6. The National Republican Senatorial Committee colluded with Cochran to blame McDaniel for photo-stalking Cochran’s wife.
And if that’s not enough, the smoking gun….

Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman, Rickey Cole is “willing to bet a steak dinner” more than one Democrat was scared into casting a second ineligible vote for Cochran.

After Dave Brat’s historic defeat of Republican Majority Leader and Obama collaborator Eric Cantor, the establishment Republicans and the Left have made no secret of their alliance to defeat you.

Mississippi, and the rest of the country MUST discover the truth about Thad Cochran, the establishment, and the Mississippi Primary election.

For Freedom,

Rusty Humphries

P.S. Will you chip in $5 or $25 or more to overturn the sham election and boost the Palin endorsed Chris McDaniel to victory?

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.