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STAPLES: South enjoying faster growth...

STAPLES: South enjoying faster growth and politicos taking note

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 21, 2014

REBEKAH STAPLES: Mississippi migration (and we’re not talking butterflies)

As a region, the South is enjoying faster growth than any other, and politicos are taking note. The increased population growth means more electoral prowess, and whichever party controls this region will have a significant political advantage.

Although the South is typically seen as a safe-haven for Republicans, population growth among these states means more demographic diversity. With more people comes more viewpoints, and that (probably) means the southern color palette will feature various shades of purple. That alone will be interesting to watch.

Smart strategists pay attention to these migration patterns, and politicos don’t have a monopoly on this data market. The relocating of people from one state to another is big business – and big bucks – in the economic development realm.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.