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Mayor of Ridgeland, others on McDaniel...

Mayor of Ridgeland, others on McDaniel irregular vote list #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 14, 2014

Mayor McGee in McDaniel’s fraud report

A mixture of blue ink and red ink on a Madison County polling book makes Ridgeland Mayor Gene McGee’s vote irregular and improper, according to the Chris McDaniel campaign, whose own attorney’s vote was also cited for irregularity. …

….McGee said when he went to vote on June 4, he accidentally signed up for the Democrat primary but realized the mistake and the “voted” written next to his name was struck through with a red pen. …

…John Taylor, Madison County GOP chair, said his phone was ringing off the hook Wednesday morning after people read that his name was on the list, too.

….Bill Billingsley, a McDaniel campaign volunteer who pored through voter records in Hinds County and submitted a similar affidavit, is on the new list.

Madison County Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.