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Chris McDaniel #mssen spox Noel Fritsch...

Chris McDaniel #mssen spox Noel Fritsch calls out Madison County DA Michael Guest over comments

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 8, 2014

Report: DA Says McDaniel Camp Talked With Conspirators About Anti-Cochran Video

Guest told The Madison County Journal on Wednesday that “there were communications between the campaign and the co-defendants at or about the time the video was released.”

Earlier on Wednesday, John Mary (pictured), one of the men who allegedly helped political blogger “Constitutional” Clayton Kelly go to a nursing home to photograph Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-MS) wife Rose, pleaded guilty to conspiracy in the case. Mary was sentenced to five years probation in exchange for cooperating with authorities in the investigation.

McDaniel campaign spokesman Noel Fritsch told TPM that Guest was likely referring to a push by the McDaniel campaign to have the video taken down shortly after the McDaniel campaign became aware of its existence.

“As we’ve stated for the record, when we learned of the video, we put out an all call for it to be removed,” Fritsch told TPM. “While it seems odd for a DA to talk about evidence in the midst of an investigation, that is undoubtedly what Michael Guest is referring to.”


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