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Tea Party group plans to disrupt Gov....

Tea Party group plans to disrupt Gov. Phil Bryant and others at Neshoba County Fair #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 26, 2014

Fellow Patriots!

As you may know, the Neshoba County Fair starts this weekend. Because of what has transpired with the recent Senate primary and runoff, we now have a Republican party that is severely fractured. These two elections were unethical at best and full of illegal activity at worst.

The worst thing the Tea Party could do right now is be silent or complicit at a major political event such as the Neshoba County Fair.

Here is some advice from one of our members..

“We must get some of our people together and make up some homemade posters and confront Cochran and Bryant! The entire state media, TV, papers, Supertalk radio, will be there, broadcasting live and recording. Posters need to say things like “Fire Phil”, “Primary Phil 2015”, “Cochran + Barbour = VOTER FRAUD”, “Vote Buying is Illegal”, etc. You get the point. If we don’t show grassroots disgust with what and how they just stole an election for Cochran, then the story will be what a wonderful lovefest Thad, Haley, Phil, Delbert and Pickering had at the Neshoba County Fair as united strong Republican conservatives! Either we show up there, and everyone will need a day ticket to get in which is $15 at the door, or the story will be that a giant harmonious love-fest was had by all state Republican leaders and Thad.”

My favorite part of the quote was this….”We have come too far at great sacrifice to default to these crooks and thieves at this point, I think…”

The South MS Tea Party agrees and we urge you all to make a special effort to attend the Neshoba County Fair. We understand that Thad Cochran is actually scheduled to speak this year, which is the first time since 1997. What a coincidence.

The website is Please visit the website to get information on prices, schedules, directions, etc. The address is 16800 Hwy 21 South, Philadelphia, MS. It is an approximate 3 1/2 hour drive from the Coast.

The most important days to attend are Wednesday July 30 and Thursday, July 31.

Political speakers on July 30 between 9:00 am and 11:00 am include:

Lynn Posey – Public Service Commissioner (Central)

Mike Chaney- Insurance Commissioner

Stacey Pickering – Auditor

Jim Hood – Attorney General

Tate Reeves – Lt. Gov.

Political speakers on July 31 between 9 and 11 am include:

Cindy Hyde-Smith- Agriculture Commissioner

Lynn Fitch -Treasurer-

Former Governor William Winter

Delbert Hoseman- Secretary of State

Phillip Gunn – Speaker of the House

Travis Childers – Candidate for Senate

Thad Cochran – US Senator (10:30 am)

Phil Bryant – Governor

On another note, if you did not get a chance to see Glenn Beck’s interactive movie about Common Core called We Will Not Conform, it will be playing again in local theaters on Tuesday, July 29. Make sure you bring your cell phone or tablet with you. See local theater listings for details.


The South MS Tea Party

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.