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GALLO: McDaniel doesn’t need to...

GALLO: McDaniel doesn’t need to look in poll books to see what happened, he needs to look in mirror

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 21, 2014

GALLO: Getting the Record Straight

To say a few well placed ads would marshal traditional Democrats to the aid of a longtime Republican is stretching credulity. The main reason for that increase rest solely on the shoulders of State Senator Chris McDaniel.

The feedback on the air and on social media from black Democrats challenged the narrative that the Cochran campaign needed to spend even one dollar in campaign ads soliciting voters, regardless of their Party affiliation.

This question should also be asked. If it were not Chris McDaniel and his past associations, his promise to use his US Senate vote to cut funding coming into our state as a fiscal example for Congress to follow, his toxic comments on past radio shows, his voting record that some say has been less than friendly to black Mississippians, etc.-if it were not McDaniel but say, Delbert Hoseman, Philip Gunn, Steven Palazzo , Gregg Harper or Alan Nunnelee, would we even be talking about crossover votes or irregularities or Party purity.

Would those same voters now in question be the least bit interested in participating in an election process, even though they had every right to do so?

Finally, the reasons and results of this election can be easily identified by the losing candidate himself. The truth is, to find out what happened, he doesn’t need to look into the polling books, he needs to look in to the mirror.

Paul Gallo

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.