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McDaniel campaign legal team excepts to...

McDaniel campaign legal team excepts to file a challenge in 10 days #MSSen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 17, 2014

McDaniel lawyers say challenge coming within 10 days

Lawyers for Chris McDaniel say they expect to file a challenge of McDaniel’s June 24 GOP runoff loss to incumbent U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran within the next 10 days.

Attorney Mitch Tyner said that despite “roadblocks” to access of voting records that have required lawsuits against county circuit clerks, the campaign has uncovered widespread illegal voting. He said it’s already enough to support a legal challenge of the Republican runoff but the campaign is still gathering evidence and will not yet provide specifics.

As has become the paradigm for the nasty, bitter battle between the six-term incumbent Republican and the tea party challenger, the Cochran campaign responded with a news conference shortly after the Wednesday McDaniel camp news conference.

“Almost a month ago, Mississippians chose their Republican nominee,” said Cochran adviser Austin Barbour. “… They have still not presented one shred of evidence. … Sadly, with their lack of evidence, they fill that gap with rhetoric, grandstanding and fundraising appeals.”

“Mississippians are ready to move on,” Barbour said.

Hattiesburg American

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