Pender: Of pressers, ‘boar hogs, scum and sore losers’
A sampling of the fear and loathing from the last couple of weeks:
• “Genteel old Thad Cochran is Haley Barbour’s puppet. Haley Barbour is an insatiably greedy hog who has spent his entire life using the federal and state governments as his personal ATM machine. … My mission in life is to catch that big fat boar, cut him and fry him out for lard.” — state Democratic Party Chairman Rickey Cole
• “The 82-County Bigfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger Hunt and Jubilee rolls on.” — Y’all Politics
• “My initial reaction is I thought it was a headline from ‘The Onion.’ Now I see how this group has earned their awful reputation.” — state GOP Chairman Joe Nosef, on True the Vote seeking a restraining order against the MSGOP claiming voting records have been destroyed or tampered with
• “I didn’t do anything illegal.” — Stevie Fielder of Meridian, who has recanted claims he bought votes for Cochran, but still claims he was asked to
• “Scum” — how the Tea Party Leadership Fund referred to Cochran
• “McDaniel’s Sore Loser Brigade … (is) gambling with a Republican majority in the Senate — or destroying McDaniel’s future prospects.” — columnist Ann Coulter
• “… pot-banging insanity in Mississippi.” — David Weigel of Slate
Geoff Pender
Clarion Ledger