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The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day...

The McDaniel Hostage Crisis – Day 17 – Hedging, hypotheticals, normcore and farmtalk #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 11, 2014

We interrupt this coverage for a special report.

Thursday morning, while still on political sabbatical from the Hortman Harlow law firm in Laurel, the Chris McDaniel was promoting fundraising for the 82 County Bigfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger Hunt and Jubilee. In it, he reasserted that “the Republican runoff was stolen last month . . .”. But in the next paragraph, he asserts, “If we find that any illegal activity occurred, we must hold them accountable.”

“If” any illegal activity occurred? Isn’t that all we’ve heard for the 17 day hostage cycle?

Later in the day, the hedging continued. WLBT published about a 10 minute televised interview with Chris McDaniel. This was definitely more hedging about the strength of the data they have to challenge on and whether or not they’ll actually challenge. Lots of qualifying language now. – Jackson, MS

Meanwhile, Geoff Pender at the Clarion Ledger caught up with the “groundhog” like figure, the “Reverend” Stevie Fielder in Meridian. Fielder if you’ll remember from your ancient political history (over a week ago) made national wingnut news headlines after he accused a Cochran campaign staffer of paying him to buy votes. Not surprisingly, he’s rethinking his being paid to make an admission of buying votes because someone whispered into his ear that admitting publicly to buying votes is a pretty expeditious way to wind up in Parchman.

He said, “I would be in jail because that’s illegal.”

UHH . . . .yeah.

From the article.

Now Fielder is claiming he was talking “hypothetical” and the recording of the interview must have been selectively edited. But then he appeared to contradict this at one point, saying, “Maybe I got out there and said, gave an interview to somebody that I shouldn’t have talked to … I’m not trying to take away the recording.”

It will be shocking to see if the news outlets that picked it up originally (Sean Hannity) will update this fraud now that this new information has come out.

From the sublime to the ridiculous . . . the crack YP Political Fashion team has always been curious about the name of the trendstyling for Chris McDaniel. Normally, all lawyers like Chris McDaniel are taught from the early days of law school that untucked plaid shirts after Memorial Day are a real faux pas. Thankfully, the Washington Post has helped us put a name to the trend. It’s called “competitive normcore” and apparently, Chris McDaniel has been anointed the King of it.

The New York Times defined normcore as “a supposed style trend where dressing like a tourist — non-ironic sweatshirts, white sneakers and Jerry Seinfeld-like dad jeans.” McDaniel’s sartorial choices are a variation on the theme: he’s adapted the trend into the campaign-appropriate business-casual normcore.

MS GOP Chair Joe Nosef was most definitely not “business casual” yesterday. He came out swinging against the Tea Party’s “True the Vote” lawsuit effort. And in a moment of poetic retribution, True the Vote has drawn Judge Henry Wingate. Judge Wingate is a Reagan appointee, Yale Law Grad, ex-military, African American, Catholic jurist that is HIGHLY respected and has a reputation for no bullshit and being deliberate. Wingate’s likely to eat True the Vote’s lunch for them. Nosef has pressed for sanctions and unless True the Vote can come up with some real law to argue, this one may cost them.

And bless his heart, Rickey Cole and the Mississippi Democrats are getting lost in the shuffle. And their frustration is starting to show. Last night, Brietbart picked up a post Cole made on a left-leaning facebook group about Haley Barbour. In referring to Barbour, according to Breitbart, he posted . . .

Again, let me get really plain with you: a fat, greedy, unprincipled old boar hog has rooted up our crops in Mississippi far too long. My mission in life is to catch that big fat boar, cut him and fry him out for lard.

Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up.

That’s the way it was – Day 17 of the McDaniel Hostage Crisis.

Good day Mississippi – and good luck.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.