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Mississippi Democratic Trust seeks to...

Mississippi Democratic Trust seeks to raise money off of McDaniel, “radical Tea Party” antics

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 11, 2014

From Mississippi Democratic Trust release:

The past few weeks have revealed exactly how extreme and out of touch Mississippi Republicans are. You can’t turn on the television these days without another example Republicans embarrassing our state and endangering our future. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic for Mississippi.

It’s clear that the Tea Party is a major force in the Mississippi Republican Party and these Tea Party folks aren’t simply unknown bloggers and local talk show hosts; they’re running our Legislature. From Tea Party stars Senator Chris McDaniel and his campaign manager Senator Melanie Sojourner, to Tea Party House Speaker Philip Gunn and his nullification-friendly henchmen, the Tea Party has taken over Mississippi’s most powerful body.

Next year, we will have an opportunity to take our government back from the radical Tea Party. Their record is one of fighting funding for education, refusing to care for our infrastructure, and giving hundreds of millions of dollars of our healthcare funding to other states.

Join us now in Project 2015, our effort to restore some sanity to our government. By giving just $25 today, you can help us kick the crazies out of our Capitol.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.