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@MSGOP leader Joe Nosef comes out...

@MSGOP leader Joe Nosef comes out swinging on @TrueTheVote frivilous lawsuit #mssen

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 10, 2014

Joe Nosef, Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party, issued the following statement today regarding the recent lawsuit filed by True the Vote:

“This out of state group ‘True the Vote’ continues in its attempts to make a mockery of our legal system. While their legal filings literally make no claim at all against the MSGOP, their public statements indicate otherwise in an effort to mislead Mississippi voters. Their first ‘demand’ was for the MSGOP to order action by people who don’t even work for us. Next, they claimed we were not granting proper access to records that we don’t have. And they have now accused us of destroying this same evidence which we still don’t have and instead is in the possession of 82 different circuit clerks. We will not only defend ourselves but will seek sanctions against every single plaintiff because of this frivolous litigation brought against the MSGOP.”

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.