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@GAWKER – Fallout From Miss....

@GAWKER – Fallout From Miss. Senate Race Reaches New Level of Absurdity #mssen #mchostage

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 3, 2014

Fallout From Miss. Senate Race Reaches New Level of Absurdity

This was predictable. The war between a Tea Party conservative and the sitting senator he challenged in Mississippi’s GOP primary last month is intensifying, with name-calling, Baba Booey-style gonzo tactics, and pearl-clutching accusations of voter fraud involving black Democrats. Deep South, y’all!

One could be forgiven for assuming that tensions might simmer down after the late June primary election between these competing conservatives, whose philosophies differ but whose Senate voting records probably wouldn’t. Elections anoint winners. They’re kind of the point of American democracy, right?


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.