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Chris McDaniel ‘blew it’ by...

Chris McDaniel ‘blew it’ by ignoring black voters in #mssen – ‘not all black voters are liberals’

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 29, 2014

Chris McDaniel blew it in Mississippi by ignoring black voters

McDaniel knew exactly what to expect. The Cochran campaign told him. Yet he remained a spectator through it all. His counterstrategy was no counterstrategy — just continue what he was already doing: appealing just to Mississippi’s conservative white electorate.

Sitting in the White House today is the most left-wing president in the nation’s history, elected twice without winning the white vote. I have written about the demographic changes taking place in the country and the need for Republicans to talk about limited government and traditional values to non-white Americans.

If this is true about the nation as a whole, it certainly is true in a state like Mississippi, whose black population, at 40 percent of the state, is the largest in the nation as a percentage. Half this black population is poor.

Cochran’s forces dumped money into liberal black churches, communicating that he is their champion because of the government pork he’ll continue to bring into the state.

But a news flash for McDaniel, which he should know, having served as a state senator, is that not all blacks are liberals. In Mississippi’s huge black population are many conservative black pastors who want freedom for their flocks. They know that black poverty is not about government money.

Washington Examiner

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.