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Common Core exam field testing begins

Common Core exam field testing begins

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 24, 2014

How effective are Common Core exams? Educators, and kids, to give them a trial run

WASHINGTON — What’s on the new Common Core-based exams? More than 4 million kids in U.S. schools soon will have a clue.

Field testing begins this coming week in 36 states and the District of Columbia on assessments developed by two different groups of states. Participating students will be asked to sit for hours in front of a computer or use a No. 2 pencil to answer questions.

But there’s no need for kids to worry. The scores won’t count, this time. The actual exam-testing won’t be used for another year.

The Common Core standards spell out what math and English skills students should have at each grade, and are designed to develop more critical thinking skills than traditional school work. They were first pushed by governors concerned about the large number of high school graduates needing remedial college help and lacking basic skills. Most states have adopted them.

The field tests, to be conducted until June, are a big step forward in the push to more fully integrate the new academic standards into the school environment. They will give education officials a chance to judge things such as the quality of each test question and the technical capabilities of schools to administer the tests, which are computer-based but also will be available on paper.

But they also come as the standards face political push-back in many states

Indiana lawmakers, for example, last year paused implementation of the standards and a measure ending the state’s participation is at the governor’s desk. House lawmakers in Tennessee passed legislation that would delay implementation — and testing — under Common Core for two years, but that proposal hasn’t been taken up in the Senate.

Common Core supporters hope the field tests provide an opportunity to highlight the best of Common Core.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.